Thursday 16 April 2009

The first blog, thingy

I am coming to you now, from my house. I am very drunk, and i saw a link to some guys blog on some other guys facebook, so i thought, yes, blogtime. Now I have nothing to right about.

Lets see what Tom Mcdonald thinks of my blog.
Ok awaiting reply.
OK Tom isn't replying.

Lets see what Eme says...

Ok she isn't replying either, maybe thats because it's 04:29 am.


Emeboobs (*)_(*) says (04:29):
*haha where?

She asked me where, obviously in my house. Thats where my laptop is.
What a silly girl.

Also i found a squeaky oreo and entertained a cow with it. I didn't know there were cows near mine, but i do now. THIS COW YEAH started like, walking over when i squeaked the squeaky oreo and it was like being a cow, then it stopped walking :(
I wanted to see it properly. It was a dead cowish cow too. LIke normally you see a cow and it's a bit cowwy, but this was like COW. It was great, that farmer must be a really good farmer to make his cows that cowwy. I wonder if they were cows for eating or milk ones.


Toms replied.

"T" says (04:33):
*we havn't got much milk left
*i love milk

How very on topic. Tom loves milk

We are talking about milk, because me and Alex found some. It was great, when we found it it was like metal gear solid. Shimmying along walls and all that jazz.

I think i should put a picture in this blog.

Ok. I wonder if that picture worked.


I found the picture

(end edit)

What else happened today.

Me and Jade made stir fry, but it was rank, which is odd because im normally good at cooking.

Why am i writing a blog that nobody will read?
Why am i writing a blog?
Why am i writing?

Maybe sleep now.


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